ATMO is a 1D-2D atmospheric code for the study of the atmosphere of brown dwarfs and exoplanets. The code has originally been developed at the University of Exeter ( and is currently a collaboration between different groups across the globe. The main developers are:
- 1D and 2D newton solver: P. Tremblin
- Radiative transfer: D. Amundsen, P. Tremblin
- Opacities: D. Amundsen, M. Phillips, R. Ridgway, J. Goyal
- Equilibrium chemistry: P. Tremblin, B. Drummond, J. Goyal
- Condensation and rainouts: P. Tremblin, J. Goyal
- Out-of-equilibrium chemistry: O. Venot, E. Hebrard, B. Drummond
- Convection: P. Tremblin, M. Phillips
- Retrieval: D. Sing
Several grids have been developed with the code:
- Brown dwarf atmospheres, Tremblin et al. (2015): opendata
- Irradiated exoplanets, Goyal et al. (2018): opendata
- Irradiated exoplanets, Goyal et al. (2020): opendata (extended for the Exoplanets-A project)
- Brown dwarf evolutionary models, Phillips et al. (2020): opendata
- Irradiated warm neptunes in 2D, Moses et al. (2021): opendata
- Low-gravity brown dwarf atmospheres, Petrus et al. (2022): opendata
- Adiabat-adjusted cloud-free T and Y dwarf models for solar metallicity and metal-poor atmospheres, the ATMO2020++ grid, Leggett et al. (2021) and Meisner et al. (2023): opendata
- ATMO2020++ grid without PH3, Leggett & Tremblin (2024): opendata
- Non-solar ATMO models, Phillips et al. in press: opendata
ARK is a 3D hydrodynamics code for the study of convective problems. The code is freely available at It has been used in several studies:
- Tremblin et al. (2019): opendata
- Padioleau et al. (2019): opendata
- Daley-Yates et al. (2020): in prep
DYNAMICO is a general circulation model (GCM) currently developed at IPSL available at We have developed a patch available at to adapt the code to the study of the atmospheric circulation of hot Jupiters showing that the long timescale deep circulation (“paleoclimate” like study) is responsible for the inflated radius of these planets.